Two As One:
Poems from a New Love
Sherrie Lovler & Anthony Lawlor
Hardcover Book, 64 pages
full color, 7-3/4" x 8-3/4"
$18.95 + $5 s/h (up to 2 books)
Two As One:
Poems from a New Love |
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From the introduction:
“I send this to my lover/partner on the off chance you see our hearts flowing in the same stream and this is our way to meet.”
—posted on match.com by Anthony Lawlor
Sherrie Lovler responded to Anthony’s post and twelve days later they met for their first date. Three days after that Anthony emailed Sherrie a poem, “What Is Already Connecting.” Sherrie responded with “The Long Road Here.”
Over the next two months more poems flowed back and forth. The words inspired Sherrie to create twelve calligraphic paintings mapping the terrain of a new relationship...

This book presents a groundbreaking sequence of visual symbols that reveal how to gain freedom from self-limiting forms of thought and action. This book also shows the reader how to engage the archetypal design of life with more joy, creativity and abundance.